Copyright (c) 2023 SF Hamid, N Harun, NH Abdul Razak , M Mustapha, N Mohd Mokhtar , NM Abdul Manaf

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The spread of COVID-19 has forced all universities around the world to switch from the traditional classroom and face-to-face learning to open and distance learning (ODL). Even though ODL has become the solution to the teaching and learning during the pandemic, students still have difficulties performing, participating, and contributing to the learning process. This has made ODL less effective as compared to face-to-face learning. Hence, this study was conducted to examine the factors affecting the ODL learning performance among students in one of the public and private universities in Malaysia. This study used a quantitative method approach. The respondents participated in this research were 94 respondents from the public university and 77 respondents from the private university. An online survey was used to gather the data and the gained data were analysed using the SPSS version 28. It was found that time management significantly affects the students’ learning performance as compared to other factors. It was also found that students in private university were more satisfactory regarding teaching and learning during ODL and they perceive online group discussion during ODL is very effective. On the other hand, findings indicated that motivation and technology in public university are more effective as compared to private universities. The limitation of this study is the purposive sampling techniques which was done via online approach and the small sample size due to the restricted data collection resources. It is recommended that future research can study on the ethnic and socio-demographic differences and consider the insights from the instructors to match the expectation of public and private universities on ODL implementation.
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