Aims and Scope
KnowEx Food and Agriculture Journal focuses on all aspects including new methods and technologies for improving agricultural processes, increasing yield, conservation, and breeding. Articles covering new insights into crop and livestock disease, and relevant health issues will also be considered.
KnowEx Food and Agriculture Journal strives to provide the best platform for researchers and scholars worldwide to exchange their latest findings. Authors are encouraged to submit complete and original research work which is not under review and considered for publication in any other journal or conference proceedings.
The Journal mainly focuses on publishing manuscripts related to the following fields,
- Biotechnology
- Agricultural Engineering
- Animal Science
- Aquaculture
- Dairy Science
- Crop Science
- Irrigation and Plant Technology
- Horticulture
- Food science and Technology
- Food and Nutrition
- Microbiology
- Soil Science
- Genetics and Breeding
- Innovations in Agriculture and Food Technology
- Sustainable Development of Agriculture
- Agricultural Economics
Read the Information for Authors for information on how to submit your article. Make sure that you have reviewed Publication Ethics before making the submission.